Weed Out!

Our parks need you! 

Milwaukee County Parks contain most of the county’s remaining natural areas. These valuable areas are seriously threatened by aggressive non-native plants referred to as “invasive weeds.” Invasive weeds can dominate an area so completely that they crowd out native wildflowers, shrubs, and even trees. When the native plants are gone, so are the wildlife that depend on them. Some of the worst invasive weeds affecting our parks include garlic mustard, dame’s rocket, buckthorn, honeysuckle, and Japanese Tree Lilac. In fact, many parks natural areas are already overrun by one or more of these swift-spreading species. If nothing is done to reverse this trend, the beauty, ecological and economic health of our park system will be in jeopardy.

Join the Friends of Grant Park each spring and fall as we work to remove invasive weeds that threaten our park’s plant diversity. If you would like to participate, even if only for a portion of the morning,  come prepared to work: we recommend wearing a long sleeve shirt, long pants, socks and sturdy shoes (long pants and socks are good for tick prevention). If you have a pair of sturdy work gloves, bring them along (gloves provided if you don’t have a pair). Middle school and high school teams are encouraged to participate, as are congregations and businesses. Please let us know in advance if your group wishes to participate.

Join us to get the Weed-Out!

Help us remove invasive weeds like garlic mustard and dames rocket that overtake the native plants and flowers in the park…

We will provide bags and work gloves, or bring your own.

Saturdays, 9-11:30 am

April 27; May 4, 11 & 18

April 27: meeting at the Wil-O-Way parking area.

May 4: meeting at Picnic Area 4 parking lot

May 11: meeting at the Wil-O-Way parking area. Enter the park at the Wil-O-Way entrance off of Lake Drive, take the first right turn after crossing the Oak Leaf trail and park. Not to be confused with parking area at Picnic Area 7 and 8.

May 18:  meeting at parking area at Picnic Area 5A, not the tennis court lot.

Garlic Mustard

Dames Rocket with 4 petals per flower


2 thoughts on “Weed Out!

  1. Sue Hebner

    I’ve been looking for weed out locations on your website per the flyer. Where are you going to be this Saturday?

    1. Friends of Grant Park Post author

      WeedOut location is posted on the WeedOut page, accessible from the tab at the top of the home page. Sorry to reply too late for Oct. 7th event. Be sure to check the website page the morning of the event especially if rain is forecast. Rain cancels the event.

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